Understanding Marijuana Addiction: Challenges, Realities, and Solutions

the health strategist
institute for strategic health transformation
& digital health

Joaquim Cardoso MSc.

Chief Research and Strategy Officer (CRSO),
Chief Editor and Senior Advisor

September 15, 2023

What is the message?

Marijuana addiction is a real and challenging issue faced by some individuals, despite the growing acceptance and legalization of the drug.

It highlights the need to take marijuana addiction seriously, emphasizing that it can be as problematic as addiction to other substances like alcohol or prescription drugs.

The article also calls for responsible regulation and marketing in the cannabis industry while acknowledging the importance of support groups and therapy in helping individuals overcome their addiction.

One page summary:

This article, published by The Washington Post, delves into the complexities of marijuana addiction, highlighting the experiences of individuals like Courtney, a 37-year-old mother from Missouri who struggled with her dependence on marijuana.

Despite the growing acceptance and legalization of marijuana for both recreational and medicinal use in over 20 states, the article emphasizes that marijuana addiction is real and can be as challenging to overcome as addictions to other substances like alcohol or prescription drugs.

Courtney’s story sheds light on the difficulties faced by those who struggle with marijuana addiction. She started using marijuana at 17 and continued her habit for two decades, often hiding her consumption from family members.

Despite multiple attempts to quit, she found herself unable to break free from her addiction, except during the nine months she was pregnant. This personal account underscores the frustration experienced by many who feel their addiction is not taken seriously due to the prevailing cultural perception that marijuana is a natural and therapeutic substance, rather than one that can lead to addiction.

The article discusses the broader tensions surrounding the health consequences of marijuana use. While marijuana’s harmful effects were historically exaggerated, experts now believe that it can be addictive for some individuals, with estimates varying on the prevalence of cannabis use disorder. Although the majority of marijuana users can consume it without significant problems, there are still individuals who struggle with addiction and need help.

The increase in marijuana use among teens and the potency of modern cannabis products are also subjects of concern. The article highlights the potential link between high-potency THC and addiction, as well as the risks it may pose to young people and the developing adolescent brain.

The article suggests that public health officials and the cannabis industry should not dismiss the potential for cannabis abuse, emphasizing the need for regulation and responsible marketing.

It also discusses the challenges faced by individuals seeking treatment for marijuana addiction, such as limited access to affordable treatment options and societal pressures.

While there is currently no medication specifically designed to treat marijuana addiction, promising research on a drug that can reduce the effects of THC without causing harmful psychiatric effects offers hope for the future. In the absence of medication, behavioral therapy and support groups like Marijuana Anonymous play a crucial role in helping individuals overcome their addiction.

In conclusion, this article highlights the often-overlooked issue of marijuana addiction and calls for a more balanced perspective on the risks associated with marijuana use.

It underscores the importance of recognizing and addressing marijuana addiction as a legitimate concern while continuing to explore effective treatment options.


This summary was written based on the article “Marijuana addiction is real. Those struggling often face skepticism”, published by The Washington Post and written by David Ovalle and Fenit Nirappil, on July 31, 2023.

To read the full article, access https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2023/07/31/marijuana-addiction-legal-recreational-sales/

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