BCG — Boston Consulting Group
By Pepe Rodriguez, Anastasia Kouvela, Gaurav Nath, and Rainer Schuster
MARCH 05, 2021

The COVID-19 crisis has brought to the fore supply chain challenges that many companies have long grappled with. Consequently, even though recent investments in digital solutions have helped somewhat, firms are still dealing with many of the performance challenges they’ve been dealing with for decades.
To capture the greatest value from their end-to-end (E2E) supply chains, companies need to adopt a bionic operating model. With the help of adaptable key performance indicators (KPIs) that focus on optimizing overall performance in any situation, a platform organization that works cross-functionally, and a data and digital platform (DDP) that enables collaboration, a bionic supply chain leverages the best of what both machines and humans have to offer.

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Link for the paper: Building the Bionic Supply Chain
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