Boost Efficiency: Transforming App Deployment Through Automation

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Joaquim Cardoso MSc.

Servant Leader, Chief Research & Strategy Officer (CRSO),
Editor in Chief and Senior Advisor

January 24, 2024

This executive summary is based on the article “Why 30% of App Deployments Fail”, published by Wired and written by Victor Cruz.

What is the message?

The demand for rapid application deployment is escalating, driven by the mobile revolution and the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) trend.

However, up to 30% of app deployments are failing due to inefficient delivery models, manual processes, and the complexities associated with deployment.

This failure poses risks such as downtime and customer frustration.

Image by Freepik


What are the key points?

Inefficiencies in Current Models: A survey by XebiaLabs reveals that 75% of organizations graded their application deployment process as failing. Partially scripted and manual deployments are resource-intensive, error-prone, and time-consuming.

Risks of Traditional Approaches: Traditional “big bang” deployment methods are risky, especially in the context of the continuous improvement demanded by mobile apps. Frequent updates cannot be accommodated within the existing release culture.

Call for Improvement: Respondents in the survey acknowledge the need for improvement in their app release processes. Inconsistency across environments, dependency on expert resources, and slow processes are identified as major obstacles.

The Role of Automation: Embracing automated deployment solutions emerges as a potential game-changer. As organizations shift towards the “3rd Platform” – encompassing mobile devices, cloud services, social technologies, and Big Data – automated application deployment becomes a competitive advantage.

Benefits of Deployment Automation: Survey respondents highlight increased efficiency (29%), release acceleration (23%), and error elimination (19%) as the top benefits of deployment automation. This indicates that continuous delivery through app release automation could be the transformative solution sought by organizations.

What are the key statistics?

75% of organizations graded their application deployment process as failing.

57% of respondents believe there is room for improvement in their app release processes.

29% listed “increased efficiency” as the top benefit of deployment automation.

What are the key examples?

Manual deployment is error-prone, leading to downtime for the workforce or frustration for customers.

Traditional “big bang” approaches are inadequate for the frequent updates demanded by mobile apps.


As organizations strive to compete in the evolving landscape of mobile devices, cloud services, social technologies, and Big Data, automated application deployment emerges as a pivotal solution.

Despite the challenges of transitioning from manual to automated processes, the benefits, including increased efficiency and error elimination, position automated deployment as a strategic investment for organizations aiming to deliver continuous improvements and stay ahead in the dynamic app deployment landscape.

To read the original publication, click here.

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