Browsing Category
Burnout (Nursing Burnout)
4 posts
Nursing in 2023, US: How hospitals are confronting shortages — [with 31 % indicating intent to leave their current jobs]
The Health Strategist research and strategy institute for continuous transformation, for in person health and digital health Joaquim Cardoso…
How technology can help fighting clinician burnout — in addition to cultural changes?
This is a republication of the article “Former Amazon medical officer examines Surgeon General’s clinician burnout warning“ , with…
The Nursing Shortage Shows Why Industries Must Choose Tech Carefully
With the right technology solutions, companies can aim to relieve rising levels of burnout among health care workers. MIT…
Em protesto inédito, médicos de UBS em SP narram rotina de exaustão
No município há 3.000 médicos afastados, em janeiro. Há médicos atendendo até 8 pacientes por hora. Pontos principais “O…