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10 posts
Cybersecurity Challenges: Understanding Rising Data Breaches
healthtransformationknowledge portal Joaquim Cardoso MScFounder and Chief Researcher, Editor & Strategist March 26, 2024 What is the message?…
Elevating Cybersecurity in Healthcare: A CEO’s Imperative for Resilient Operations
the healthtransformationknowledge portal Joaquim Cardoso MSc March 8, 2024 This summary is based on the article “It is time…
AI-Powered Cybersecurity: Threats and Opportunities in the Age of Generative AI
the health strategistinstitute for strategic health transformation & digital technology Joaquim Cardoso MSc. Chief Research and Strategy Officer (CRSO),Chief Editor and…
2023 IT Trends: Balancing Digital Transformation and Cost Control – Insights from IT Leaders
the health strategistinstitute for strategic health transformation & digital technology Joaquim Cardoso MSc. Chief Research and Strategy Officer (CRSO),Chief Editor and…
10 vital cybersecurity questions for healthcare boards — after Tenet’s $100M cyber incident
This is a republication of the article “Tenet’s $100M cyber incident raises 10 must-ask questions for boards”, with…
In the era of ransomware, recovery has become as important as prevention
SC MediaKevin Cole23 de junho de 2022, getty Executive Summary by Joaquim Cardoso MSc.Health Revolution IntituteCybersecurity UnitJune 28, 2022…
88% dos brasileiros são favoráveis a compartilhar dados na saúde – 42% não acreditam que seus dados estejam protegidos contra hackers
Revista Medicina S/A06/06/2022 O conceito de Open Health, que prevê o compartilhamento de na área da Saúde, tem…
Gartner: 2022 Strategic Roadmap for Data Security Platform Convergence
GartnerBy Joerg Fritsch, Brian Lowans, David MahdiPublished 28 September 2021 Organizations use an increasingly complex set of security…
4 Prediction about the of Future Health Care by Philips @ HIMSS22
This is a republication of the article below, with the title above, edited by the author of the…
CIO/CTO AGENDA -CYBERSECURITY SURVEY: Hospitals now account for 30% of all large data breaches and at an estimated cost of $21 billion in 2020 alone
Perspectives in Healthcare Security Report: Cybersecurity Reality in Hospitals Not Aligned with Perception. CISION PR News WireNEWS PROVIDED…