Browsing Category
Data Silos
13 posts
Data silos hold back healthcare — Europe is falling behind the US in data integration [what about other countries?]
This is a republication of the article “Data silos hold back healthcare”, with the title above, highlighting the…
Working Toward Frictionless Organization Data — The case for a star-shaped data management and analytics concept.
In most organizations, data exists in silos (i.e., unconnected storage that’s not shared with other teams), causing issues…
How To Bridge The Gap Between Healthcare Data Silos (US context, 2019)
Health IT OutcomesBy Shailesh Tiwari, MST SolutionsMay 3, 2019 Executive Summary by Joaquim Cardoso MSc.The Health Revolution InstituteThe…
A Revolução da Saúde Digital – e a realidade dos mais de 200 subsistemas do DataSUS
O GloboFrancisco Balestrin12 de Abril de 2022365psd A pandemia desafiou a resiliência, a agilidade e a efetividade do…
The “Insane” Fragmentation of Public Health Data (US perspective)
Linking data across these silos is critical to solving the larger health problems that still plague us This is…
The Pandemic exposed the “data fragmentation crisis” in the US — and other countries around the world
This is a republication of the article below, with the title above, by the editor of this blog — Joaquim…
5 Reasons We Need Integrated and Detailed SARS-CoV-2 Case Data
Global.HealthDavid Pigott, Rebecca Katz, & Moritz Kraemer August 17, 2021 In this post, we aim to illustrate why we…
Digital Orientation of Health Systems in the Post-COVID-19 “New Normal” in the US.
Cross-sectional Survey Jiban Khuntia 1; Xue Ning 1; Rulon StaceyCU Business School, University of Colorado Denver, Denver, CO,…
The Fragmentation of Public Health Data
Medium Trevis MayCo-Founder & President of Datavant. Fmr CEO of LiveRamp.February 1, 2021. In the US, there are over…
ONC, CDC want to fix the fragmented public health system COVID-19 exposed
Health IT newsBy Jonah ComstockAugust 13, 2021 Citations: Micky Tripathi; National Coordinator for Health IT; Dr. Daniel Jernigan;…