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LLM Health Care (Large Language Models)
27 posts
What is the extent of changes in LLM performance and the possible reasons behind them? — When the ‘steering’ of AI worth the squeezing?
health strategy review management, engineering and technology review Joaquim Cardoso MSc. Senior Research and Strategy Officer (CRSO), Chief Editor and Senior Advisor…
Large language models encode clinical knowledge — [ and the importance of both evaluation frameworks and method development]
the health strategist . institute research and strategy institute for in-person health strategyand digital health strategy Joaquim Cardoso MSc Chief Researcher…
Google DeepMind Unveils AI System to Discover Faster Algorithms — [focused on generative AI and large language models]
Health and Technology Institute (HTI)for continuous transformation Joaquim Cardoso MSc. Chief Research and Strategy Officer (CRSO),Editor and Chief and…
Generative AI was enabled by 3 main technologies: (1) massive computing power; (2) data; and (3) the invention of the transformer model
Health and Tech Institute strategy for continuous transformation Joaquim Cardoso MScChief Research and Strategy Officer (CRSO),Editor in Chief…
Generative AI was rapidly adopted, because almost anyone with access to internet can operate a chatbot based on LLM — at little cost & training
Health and Tech Institute strategy for continuous transformation Joaquim Cardoso MScChief Researcher, Editor,Chief Strategy Officer (CSO), and Senior…
GPT-4 is the underlying technology for ChatGPT – and is currently the most high-profile LLM (Large Language Model)
Health and Tech Institute strategy for continuous transformation Joaquim Cardoso MScChief Researcher, Editor,Chief Strategy Officer (CSO), and Senior…
The problem with AI Chatbots is that they are a block box — and we don´t know how it works.
health transformationinstitute health transformation, health strategy and digital health Joaquim Cardoso MSc Chief Researcher for — Health Transformation ResearchChief Editor for — Health…
The race to bring generative AI to mobile devices
The Health Transformation institute for health strategy, digital healthand continuous transformation Joaquim Cardoso MScChief Research and Strategy Officer…
A.I. will potentially impact 40% of your working hours, according to Accenture
The Health Strategist institute forcontinuous health transformationand digital health Joaquim Cardoso MScChief Research and Strategy Officer (CRSO) May 12, 2023…
Command Line Medicine — A paradigm shift in biomedical data access and information synthesis
The Health Strategist institute for continuous health transformationand digital health Joaquim Cardoso MScChief Research and Strategy Officer (CRSO) May…