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M&A Review
8 posts
In times of Healthcare M&A´s, how to develop a successful Post Merger Integration (PMI)
This is a republication of the white paper “Don’t Settle for Anything Less Than Full-Potential PMI”, with the…
Dasa anuncia aquisições de mais de R$ 1 bilhão para fortalecer a atuação como maior rede de saúde integrada do país
Integração do Hospital da Bahia marca a chegada da rede hospitalar da companhia ao estado; Grupo Case se…
Consolidation casualties: Hospital mergers unwind as organizations clash
Hospital mergers and acquisitions are often imbued with the promise that they will transform healthcare. But when a…
NotreDame Intermédica anuncia compra da CCG Saúde por R$ 1,06 bilhão
Medicina S/A 07 de Junho de 2021 O Grupo NotreDame Intermédica (GNDI) confirmou a aquisição do CCG Saúde. Com cerca de…
Keeping M&A Deals on Track During the Downturn
BCG – Boston Consulting Group By Jens Kengelbach, Uwe Berberich, Tobias Söllner, and Dominik Degen September, 2020 The COVID-19 crisis has amped…
Private Equity Investments In Health Care: An Overview Of Hospital And Health System Leveraged Buyouts, 2003–17
Health Affairs Anaeze C. Offodile II; Marcelo Cerullo; Mohini Bindal; Jose Alejandro Rauh-Hain; and Vivian Ho May,2021 Abstract Private equity firms…
Don’t Settle for Anything Less Than Full-Potential PMI
BCG – Boston Consulting Group By Chris Barrett, Daniel Friedman, Ib Löfgrén, and David Kirchhoff April 06, 2021 Many companies struggle…
Hospital Care compra Hospital Evangélico de Sorocaba
Money Times Por Renan Dantas 01/06/2021 O Hospital Care (HCAR3) comprou o Hospital Evangélico de Sorocaba, no interior de São Paulo, mostra…