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5 posts
Unlocking Value in Manufacturing through Data Sharing
World Economic ForumBCG — Boston Consulting Grouop Manufacturing industries are on the verge of a data-driven revolution. In the near…
Novartis have partnered with Pfizer BioNTech SE as well as CureVac to produce #COVID19 vaccines.
Can partnerships help boost vaccine supply? VACCINES EUROPEDR STEFFEN LANG – 14 JUN 2021 An interview with Dr Steffen Lang,…
Mastercard Foundation donates $1.3 billion to boost Africa’s coronavirus response
Mastercard Foundation chief executive Reeta Roy announces her foundation’s $1.3 billion gift in a Zoom briefing Tuesday. (Dan…
After COVID-19 spotlighted supply chain weaknesses, Biden unveils plan to resurrect U.S. drug manufacturing
After investigating America’s supply chains, including those for drugs and pharmaceutical ingredients, the Biden administration has revelations to…
An ERP Strategy for a Postpandemic World
BCG — Boston Consulting GroupBy Neveen Awad, Anmol Pareek, Zeeshan Shah, and Karsten SchottSEPTEMBER 03, 2020 Over the past decade,…