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Quality & Patient Safety
4 posts
The U.S. loses up to 250 thousand lives/year, and $1 trillion (5% of GDP) in lost human potential — as a result of harm or death from preventable medical harm (2012 estimate)
As we enter into Patient Safety Awareness Week (March 13–19, 2022), we can reflect on the progress we…
Patient Safety Awareness Week — March 14–20th, 2022
400,000 deaths occur in the United States each year as a result of errors or preventable harm in…
Einstein realiza Fórum Científico para debater o parto seguro
Medicina S/A16 de Setembro de 2021 Dividido em três módulos, com palestras de 20 minutos cada, o evento,…
The “weekend effect ” in patient mortality was confirmed for hemorrhagic stroke; and mortality rates were higher in rural hospitals.
In-Hospital Stroke Mortality is Associated with Day of Admittance and Type of Stroke National Institute of Minority Health and…