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4 posts
Using Machine Learning to Reduce Burden on Infection Control Staff
NEJM Catalyst Innovations in Care Delivery 2022; 08 Stephani Amanda Lukasewicz Ferreira, RN, MS, Arateus Crysham Franco Meneses,…
Addressing Well-being Throughout the Health Care Workforce The Next Imperative
Reconsideration of work unit design and approaches, along with solving income inequalities are a must have! JAMA NetworkLisa S.…
Stay active as you age to extend your health span @ Harvard Health
The “active grandparent” hypothesis explains how humans evolved to be physically active throughout life — and why that habit helps…
Sleep deprivation is affecting your immunity and mental and physical health
Studies show that sleep depravation can have a serious impact on health. World Economic ForumSean Fleming, Senior Writer, Formative…