CDC Unveils 2024 Vaccination Guidelines with Focus on COVID-19 Variants and Key Updates

The health strategist

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for workforce health & economic prosperity

Joaquim Cardoso MSc.

Servant Leader, Chief Research & Strategy Officer (CRSO),
Editor in Chief and Senior Advisor

January 12, 2024

This executive summary is based on the article “The New Vaccines to Get in 2024”, published by Time and written by Hailey Weiss, on January 11, 2024.

What is the message?

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has released its annual vaccination guidelines for 2024, recommending new vaccines for both adults and children.

The guidelines, compiled by the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), include updates on existing vaccinations and introduce several new recommendations to address evolving health concerns.

Notable among these is the latest COVID-19 vaccine targeting the Omicron variant, reflecting ongoing efforts to combat the pandemic.

The recommendations aim to enhance overall public health by addressing emerging health threats and ensuring comprehensive immunization coverage.

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What are the key points?

Annual Influenza and Standard Vaccinations:

ACIP continues to recommend annual flu shots for American adults and various standard vaccinations, such as those for chickenpox and tetanus.

Pediatric immunization plans for infants and children, including shots like the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine, remain largely unchanged.

New COVID-19 Vaccine:

All adults and children aged 6 months or older are recommended to receive an updated COVID-19 vaccine in 2024, specifically targeting the Omicron variant (XBB.15).

The updated vaccine aims to protect against evolving strains, including the JN.1 variant, addressing concerns about vaccine uptake amidst historic lows and increasing anti-vaccine sentiment.

Mpox Vaccine for High-Risk Adults:

The mpox vaccine is formally recommended on an annual schedule for high-risk groups, including certain members of the LGBTQ community exposed to the virus formerly known as monkeypox.

The CDC stresses the vaccine’s role in preventing case numbers, with those already receiving two doses not requiring further vaccination.

RSV Shot for Selected Groups:

Pfizer’s newly approved RSV vaccine, Abrysvo, is recommended for individuals nearing the end of pregnancy during RSV season and those over age 60.

Infants up to eight months old, whose mothers did not receive an RSV vaccine during pregnancy, are recommended a different RSV shot using the monoclonal antibody nirsevimab (brand name: Beyfortus).

Combination Meningitis Vaccine:

Pfizer’s newly approved Penbraya vaccine is recommended for some children and adults, offering protection against the five most common variations of meningococcal disease affecting adolescents and young adults.

Penbraya is positioned as an alternative for patients 10 years and older who would otherwise receive the two meningitis vaccines currently in use, covering the same five variations together.

What are the key examples?

The article highlights the absence of a vaccine uptake plan in the CDC’s annual guidelines, prompting concerns from physicians about the need for persuasive communication strategies.

The recommendations address the challenge of increasing vaccine uptake, especially for COVID-19, amid rising anti-vaccine sentiments.


The 2024 vaccination guidelines aim to adapt to emerging health challenges, with a focus on enhancing vaccine coverage and addressing evolving threats.

The inclusion of the latest COVID-19 vaccine and recommendations for other vaccines reflects a proactive approach to public health.

However, concerns about vaccine uptake strategies and the need for persuasive communication are raised, underscoring the ongoing challenges in promoting widespread immunization.

To read the original publication, click here.

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