Davos 2024 Insights: Navigating AI & Emerging Tech for Global Progress


Joaquim Cardoso MSc

February 12, 2024

This summary was based on the article “AI and emerging technology at Davos 2024: 5 surprising things to know” published by The World Economic Forum and written by Jeremy Jurgens on January 26, 2024.

What is the message?

The discussions at Davos 2024 highlighted a convergence of viewpoints on artificial intelligence (AI) and emerging technologies, emphasizing the importance of a nuanced understanding and governance approach.

While AI remained a focal point, other critical issues such as the digital divide, the quantum economy, space technology, and climate change took center stage, reflecting a broader narrative around technology’s role in societal advancement.

Photo: World Economic Forum


What are the key points?

Nuanced Understanding of AI: Contrary to hype, Davos 2024 showcased a nuanced understanding of AI, with discussions focusing on governance, regulation, and societal impact alongside technological advancements.

Diverse Technology Agenda: While AI dominated conversations, other emerging technologies such as quantum computing and space technology were also prominent, signaling a multifaceted approach to addressing global challenges.

Focus on Digital Inclusion: Discussions underscored the importance of addressing the digital divide and ensuring equitable access to technology, with initiatives like the EDISON Alliance making significant strides in closing the gap.

Preparing for the Quantum Economy: The emergence of the quantum economy presents opportunities and challenges, requiring early preparation and interdisciplinary collaboration to harness its full potential.

Space Technology for Sustainability: Space technology emerged as a critical tool for addressing global risks such as climate change, with discussions emphasizing sustainability and global cooperation.

AI in Healthcare: AI’s transformative impact on healthcare was highlighted, with potential for personalized solutions and improved patient care through AI-driven innovations.

Importance of Dialogue and Governance: Leaders emphasized the need for inclusive dialogue and agile governance to ensure responsible and ethical development and deployment of AI and emerging technologies.

What are the key examples?

The EDISON Alliance reported significant progress in closing the digital divide, demonstrating the impact of collaborative efforts in promoting digital inclusion.

Initiatives like the AI Governance Alliance and the Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution aim to guide policymakers and business leaders in responsible AI development and governance.

Partnerships and collaborations in AI and emerging technologies showcase the power of shared knowledge and global cooperation in advancing technological innovation for societal benefit.

What are the key strategies?

Promote Inclusive Dialogue: Foster nuanced discussions that consider the complex interplay between technology, governance, and societal well-being to ensure inclusive and ethical development.

Prepare for Emerging Technologies: Invest in interdisciplinary education and workforce development to prepare for the quantum economy and other emerging technological paradigms.

Address Digital Divide: Implement initiatives to close the digital gap and ensure equitable access to technology, particularly in underserved communities.

Enhance Governance Frameworks: Develop agile governance frameworks that adapt to the pace of technological advancements and prioritize ethical considerations and societal impact.

Facilitate Global Collaboration: Foster partnerships and collaborations to leverage collective expertise and resources in addressing global challenges and advancing technological innovation.


While AI remained a focal point at Davos 2024, the discussions underscored a broader narrative around technology’s role in addressing global challenges and promoting societal advancement.

By fostering inclusive dialogue, preparing for emerging technologies, and enhancing governance frameworks, stakeholders can leverage innovation for the betterment of humanity in the years to come.

To read the original publication, click here.

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