Game-Changing Prostate Cancer Treatment: Shorter, Higher-Dose Radiotherapy Offers Hope

the health strategist
institute for strategic health transformation 
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Joaquim Cardoso MSc.

Chief Research and Strategy Officer (CRSO),
Chief Editor and Senior Advisor

October 11, 2023

One page summary

What is the message?

A recent study conducted by researchers from the Institute of Cancer Research in London, UK, suggests that higher-dose radiotherapy delivered in a shorter treatment period could be an effective and safe alternative for men with prostate cancer.

This innovative approach not only maintains high cancer-free rates but also minimizes treatment duration and associated side effects, potentially offering a more patient-friendly and cost-effective solution.

A recent study found that higher-dose radiation therapy effectively kept men free from prostate cancer for 5 years. Image credit: Europa Press News/Getty Images.

Key Takeaways

Prostate Cancer Treatment Challenge:

Prostate cancer is a significant health concern, impacting hundreds of thousands of men in the United States each year. While radiation therapy is a common treatment, it traditionally involves 20 to 39 doses administered over several weeks, leading to potential side effects and patient inconvenience.

PACE-B Study:

Researchers conducted the Prostate Advances in Comparative Evidence (PACE-B) study to explore the feasibility of delivering higher multibeam radiotherapy doses within a shorter timeframe.

Study Findings:

The study revealed that the higher-dose radiotherapy was effective in maintaining cancer-free rates for five years. Remarkably, it demonstrated approximately 96% effectiveness compared to the 95% rate observed in traditional therapy, showing a slight edge in favor of the innovative approach.

Treatment Length Reduction:

The traditional course of radiation therapy can extend over several weeks, causing side effects such as fatigue, skin pain, and urinary difficulties. In contrast, the new approach, known as stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT), delivered the doses over a shorter period, making it more convenient for patients.

Minimal Side Effects:

While both treatment methods had minimal side effects, those who received SBRT experienced slightly more side effects affecting genital and urinary organs. However, these side effects were generally manageable and temporary.

New Standard of Care:

The study’s authors suggest that the five-dose SBRT treatment should become the “new standard of care” for patients with prostate cancer that hasn’t spread outside the prostate gland.

Positive Clinical Feedback:

Medical professionals, including Dr. Asif Harsolia, a board-certified radiation oncologist, believe that the study’s findings are a game-changer for low to medium-risk prostate cancer patients. Shorter treatment times and similar toxicity levels make this approach more cost-effective and convenient.

Patient Considerations:

While the shorter, higher-dose treatment regimen is generally well-tolerated, it may result in temporary swelling of the prostate gland and transient urinary symptoms. Patients with existing urinary issues may prefer a longer treatment course with fewer irritative symptoms.

In summary

The PACE-B study suggests that short-term, higher-dose radiotherapy is a promising alternative for treating low to medium-risk prostate cancer.

This innovative approach maintains high cure rates, reduces treatment duration, and minimizes side effects, offering a more patient-centric solution for this prevalent cancer.

Medical professionals and researchers believe this approach has the potential to become the new standard of care in prostate cancer treatment.


This summary was written based on the article “Prostate cancer: Higher radiotherapy doses can safely reduce exposure time”, published by Medical News Today and written by Erika Watts, on October 7, 2023.

To read the full article, click here.

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