What is “True Spirituality”? A Review of the classic book of Francis Schaeffer

The Master´s Seminary
John Dube 
April 20, 2021

Site editor:

Joaquim Cardoso MSc.
Christian Spirituality
 — Institute
October 8, 2022

A Review of True Spirituality by Francis A. Schaeffer

by John Dube

Just as our physical lives begin at birth, the Christian life begins with our spiritual birth. 

There was a day-a moment-in which God “made us alive” (Eph 2:5) spiritually. 

Physical birth and spiritual birth are the two most important events of our lives. 

If not for the one, we wouldn’t be alive; and if not for the other, we wouldn’t have become Christians. 

Spiritual birth marks a new way of life for the believer. Having been made new, we are not just called to live but called to live as a Christian.

Spiritual birth marks a new way of life for the believer. Having been made new, we are not just called to live but called to live as a Christian.

Recently re-released by Crossway, Francis Schaeffer’s classic work, True Spirituality, provides a profound and useful guide to the Christian life.

  • The Call to Die 
  • The Call to Live 
  • The Call to Worship 
  • The Call to Spiritual Unity

The Call to Die

Schaeffer first shows us how spiritual birth unites us to Christ’s death and resurrection. 

Following our new birth, a wonderful paradox arises. Jesus commands us to die.

As He challenged the disciples in Luke 9:23–24, 

“If anyone would come after me, 
let him deny himself 
and take up his cross daily 
and follow me. 

For whoever would save his life 
will lose it, 
but whoever loses his life for my sake 
will save it.”

Schaeffer points out how this command runs parallel to the life of Jesus: 

“Here Jesus takes the order that was so necessary for our redemption 
in the unique substitutionary death of the Lord Jesus Christ, 
and applies it to the Christian’s life. 

The order- rejected, slain, raised-is also the order of the Christian life of true spirituality: there is no other.” 1

Thus, Schaeffer demonstrates the centrality of death in living the Christian life. 

Schaeffer is helpful here because he doesn’t overlook the difficult aspects of the Christian faith in favor of the easier ones. 

Instead, he reminds us that “…if we want to know anything of reality in the Christian life, anything of true spirituality, we must ‘take up our cross daily.’” 2

“If anyone would come after me, * let him deny himself 
* and take up his cross daily * and follow me…”

The Call to Live

In the same way that Christ’s death gave way to His resurrection, our spiritual death gives way to our spiritual resurrection. 

Resurrection makes true spirituality possible. This is the Christian life. Moment-by-moment, we’ve been “raised up with Christ” (Eph 2:6).

What does this mean for the Christian practically? 

According to Schaeffer, “It certainly means this: that in our thoughts and lives now we are to live as though we had already died, been to Heaven, and come back again as risen.” 3

Schaeffer gives us a powerful and thoroughly biblical picture of true spirituality. 

He summarizes our connection to Christ’s rejection, death, and resurrection this way:

“Now I am ready for the war.
Now there can be spirituality of a biblical sort. 
Now there can be a Christian life. 

Rejected, slain, raised: now we are ready to be used.
But not only ready to be used in this present space-time world, 
but ready to enjoy it, as the creature: 
ready to enjoy it in the light of its createdness by God; 
ready to enjoy it, yet seeing it as it is since the Fall”.4

He summarizes our connection to Christ’s rejection, death, and resurrection this way: * “Now I am ready for the war. * Now there can be spirituality of a biblical sort. * Now there can be a Christian life. …

The Call to Worship

In the second half of the book, Schaeffer shows how true spirituality involves freedom in this life from the results of the bonds of sin. 

He focuses on matters of conscience: our thought-life, psychological problems, what he calls the “total person,” our relationships, and the church.

As expected from a Christian philosopher, much of this section centers on the connections between our thinking and true spirituality. 

True spirituality “…is a matter of our thoughts…Moral battles are not won in the external world first. 

They are always a result flowing naturally from a cause, and the cause is in the internal world of one’s thoughts.” 5 

Even so, Schaeffer argues that the freedom to think rightly doesn’t find its end in the acknowledgment of bare facts:

“[Our thoughts] end in communion with the infinite-personal reference point who is there, God Himself. And that is tremendous. 

Then you can worship. 

This is where true worship is found: not in stained-glass windows, candles, or altarpieces, not in contentless experiences, but in communion with the God who is there-communion for eternity, and communion now, with the infinite-personal God as Abba, Father.” 6

Thus, Schaeffer demonstrates how the transformation of our mind culminates in the ultimate priority-worship.

This is where true worship is found: not in stained-glass windows, candles, or altarpieces, not in contentless experiences, …

… but in communion with the God who is there-communion for eternity, and communion now, with the infinite-personal God as Abba, Father.”

The Call to Spiritual Unity

Finally, Schaeffer proves himself a churchman by teaching us what the church means to true spirituality. 

The church demonstrates how Christ has supernaturally restored us. 

Schaeffer believes

Every single generation should be able to look to the church of that generation and see an exhibition of a supernaturally restored relationship, 

not just between the individual and God, 
though that is first; 

not just between the individual and himself, 
though that is crucial; 

but between person 
and person in the church.”

Schaeffer reminds us that “Christianity is an individual thing, but it isn’t only an individual thing.” 8

Christian spirituality cannot be “true” without the assembly of God’s people. 

Therefore, it’s through the local church that we demonstrate our true spirituality both to one another and to the watching world.

Christian spirituality cannot be “true” without the assembly of God’s people. 

Therefore, it’s through the local church that we demonstrate our true spirituality both to one another and to the watching world.

If you’re looking to learn what it means to “live” the new birth event, I commend Francis Schaeffer’s True Spirituality

For those who desire deep biblical answers, Schaeffer has delivered a profoundly complex yet beautiful explanation of the Christian life.


1Francis Schaeffer, True Spirituality (Illinois: Crossway, 2020), 50.
2 Schaeffer, True Spirituality, 55.
4Schaeffer, 75–76.
5 Schaeffer, 165.
6Schaeffer, 184.
7Schaeffer, 238.
8Schaeffer, 251.

Originally published at https://blog.tms.edu.

About the reviewer:

John Dube, is a graduate of The Master’s Seminary and serves as an Associate Pastor at Rosedale Bible Church in Bakersfield, CA.

About Francis Schaeffer

Francis A. Schaeffer (1912–1984) authored more than twenty books, which have been translated into several languages and have sold millions globally. 

He and his wife, Edith, founded the L’Abri Fellowship international study and discipleship centers. 

Recognized internationally for his work in Christianity and culture, Schaeffer passed away in 1984 but his influence and legacy continue worldwide.

About the book:

True Spirituality

By Francis A. Schaeffer

“The cross of Christ is to be a reality to me not only once for all at my conversion, but all through my life as a Christian.”
 — Francis Schaeffer

Many people ask the question What does it mean to be spiritual? 

To renowned Christian philosopher Francis Schaeffer, true spirituality was not a mechanical process like some sort of to-do list, but an active experience informed by the truth of what God has said in his word. 

Through the pages of this book, a new generation of readers will uncover what true spirituality is and how to experience it in their own lives — moment-by-moment communion with God himself, grounded in Christ’s finished work on the cross.

Table of Contents


Section 1: Freedom Now from the Bonds of Sin

Basic Considerations of True Spirituality

Chapter 1: The Law and the Law of Love
Chapter 2: The Centrality of Death
Chapter 3: Through Death to Resurrection
Chapter 4: In the Spirit’s Power

Biblical Unity and True Spirituality

Chapter 5: The Supernatural Universe
Chapter 6: Salvation: Past–Future–Present
Moment-by-Moment Practice of True Spirituality
Chapter 7: The Fruitful Bride

Section 2: Freedom Now from the Results of the Bonds of Sin

Man’s Separation from Himself

Chapter 8: Freedom from Conscience
Chapter 9: Freedom in the Thought-Life
Chapter 10: Substantial Healing of Psychological Problems
Chapter 11: Substantial Healing of the Total Person

Man’s Separation from His Fellow Man

Chapter 12: Substantial Healing in Personal Relationships
Chapter 13: Substantial Healing in the Church


Publication in Portuguese:


Verdadeira espiritualidade — 3ª edição

Verdadeira espiritualidade – 3ª edição – Editora Cultura Cristã
Em vez de estudar livros e mais livros em uma torre de marfim isolada da vida e desenvolver teorias alienadas do…editoraculturacrista.com.br

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