Backed by Mayo Clinic and Microsoft, a nonprofit forms to test AI tools used in health care

the health strategist

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for workforce health & economic prosperity

Joaquim Cardoso MSc.

Servant Leader, Chief Research & Strategy Officer (CRSO),
Editor in Chief and Senior Advisor

January 9, 2024

Image by Freepik

According to an exclusive story published by Stat News and written by Casey Ross, on January 8, 2024, a group of academic hospitals and technology companies will form a new nonprofit venture to oversee a nationwide network of laboratories to test artificial intelligence tools designed for use in health care.

The nonprofit will establish the laboratories at Mayo Clinic, Duke, Stanford, and other major universities and institutions around the country.

Its goal is to create a system to certify and register AI models, and publish details about their performance before they are widely adopted. The labs are expected to begin operating within the next few months.

The nonprofit’s launch, unfolding amid rapid innovation and investment in AI, is an attempt at industry self-policing as increasingly powerful — and opaque — algorithmic models begin making their way into medical settings.

It is being formed by a group known as the Coalition for Health AI, whose leadership includes technology experts at the academic hospitals that would host the testing labs.

To see the original publication, click here.

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