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All Payers Claims Database
5 posts
Policy Approaches to Reduce What Commercial Insurers Pay for Hospitals’ and Physicians’ Services — “the case for price-cap policies” [Executive Summary]
This is a republication of the report “Policy Approaches to Reduce What Commercial Insurers Pay for Hospitals’ and…
The Basics of All-Payer Claims Databases @ RWJF 2014
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF)JANUARY 2014Prepared by the APCD Council — Jo Porter, Denise Love, Ashley Peters, Jane Sachs, and…
Crunching big data for good healthcare policy – (the need for public payers claims database)
Toyya Pujol, PhDPurdue School of EngineeringAugust 6, 2021.Credit to the image on top: analysis group The healthcare industry…
Reducing Health Care Spending: What Tools Can States Leverage? [Insights for other countries as well]
Commonwealth FundMichael E. Chernew, David A. Cutler, Shivani A. ShahAUGUST 18, 2021 Key messages Summarized by Joaquim Cardoso…
What are All-Payer Claims Databases? Enabling transparency.
AHRQ — The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Page last reviewed February 2018 All-Payer Claims Databases The Agency for Healthcare…