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Data Privacy
32 posts
The problem with too much data protection [and the fallacy of individual consent]
This is a republication of the article The problem with too much data protection, with the title above.…
Study finds the risks of sharing health care data are low
Site editor: Joaquim Cardoso MScHealth Transformation — institute for research and strategyOctober 6, 2022 Greater availability of de-identified patient health…
Data Rich, Information Poor: Can We Use EHR´s to Create a Learning Healthcare System for Pharma? — What can we learn from other industries?
This is a republication of the paper “Data Rich, Information Poor: Can We Use Electronic Health Records to…
Why paying individual people for their health data is a bad idea
Nature MedicineBarbara Prainsack & Nikolaus Forgó12 September 2022 Key messages by: Joaquim Cardoso MSc.Health Transformation — ReviewSeptember 19, 2022 (wired) Paying…
Unlocking the power of data — Future Health Index 2022 @ Philips [excerpt 2]
This is an excerpt of the publication below, with the title above, focusing on the topic in question.…
Real Word Evidence (RWE) Use Cases in Brazil: The vaccine effectiveness of CoronaVac plus BNT162b2 booster
This is a republication of the paper below, with the title above. The 1st part of this post…
How AI could save lives without spilling medical secrets — Case Study @ Stanford Medical School
The first big test for a platform that lets AI algorithms learn from private patient data is under…
Transformação Digital e os desafios para a integração dos dados da Saúde
Revista Medicina S/A11/07/2022 Versão do site editada por: Joaquim Cardoso MSc.Health Transformation — InstituteDigital Health Unit11 de Julho de 2022 Os…
Can we strike a balance between sharing and constraining health information in New Zealand?
Aceso Health Accessed on July 11, 2022 Site version edited by: Joaquim Cardoso MSc.Health Transformation — InstituteData Health UnitJuly 11, 2022…
Venda de dados da saúde: As 3 perguntas que podem evitar riscos
Revista Medicina S/APor Jomar Nascimento 07/07/2022 Key messages by Joaquim Cardoso MSc.Health Transformation Institute (HTI)Data Security UnitJuly 7, 2022…