Browsing Category
Diabetes Type 1
5 posts
Revolutionizing Diabetes Care: Weekly Insulin Icodec vs. Daily Regimens
the health strategistinstitute for strategic health transformation & digital technology Joaquim Cardoso MSc. Chief Research and Strategy Officer (CRSO),Chief Editor and…
Artificial Pancreas Improves Blood Glucose Control in Young Kids with Type 1 Diabetes
the health strategist research institute for continuous transformation — in health & tech Joaquim Cardoso MScChief Researcher & EditorMarch, 2023 SOURCE: …
New “artificial pancreas” technology set to change the lives of people having difficulty managing their type 1 diabetes
institute for continuoushealth transformation Joaquim Cardoso MScSenior Advisor forContinuous Health Transformationand Digital HealthJanuary 10, 2023 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY An independent…
How to optimize the administration of intensive insulin treatment, to adults Type 1 Diabetes — [Comparison of three insulin bolus calculators]
This is a republication of the paper below, with the title above. Comparison of three insulin bolus calculators…
A New, Radically Collaborative Way to Fight Type 1 Diabetes [The Diabetes Type 1 Moonshot]
To be clear, our 10-year vision isn’t to declare a cure. Startup HealthJune 16, 2022 Key messages by Joaquim…