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Health System Performance Assessment (HSPA)
9 posts
The Health Sector in The First Year of the Third Lula Government in Brazil — [no Diagnosis, no Strategic Plan, no Urgent reforms]
This is a republication of the article “The Health Sector in The First 100 Days of the Third…
The Health Sector in The First 100 Days of the Third Lula Government in Brazil — [no Diagnosis, no Strategic Plan, no Urgent reforms]
Andre Medici and Joaquim Cardoso21 de Abril de 2023 Why the First 100 days of Government matter to the…
Hearing loss is the #1 modifiable risk factor for dementia, in Brazil [excerpt 1/2]
This is an excerpt of the paper below, with the title above, focusing on the topic of the…
Physical inactivity is the #2 modifiable risk factor for dementia, in Brazil [excerpt 2/2]
This is an excerpt of the paper below, with the title above, focusing on the topic of the…
From Sick Care to Preventive Health Care (PRHC) : Waiting for France’s turn towards Preventive Health Care
Macron has made prevention a main pillar of his health plans — so much so that, in the new government,…
“Na saúde, o que funciona parece não dar voto”, diz Antônio Britto @ Pesquisa ANAHP Poder Data: “2022 O ano de ouvir a Saúde”
Em ano eleitoral, diretor-executivo da Associação Nacional de Hospitais Privados alerta para a necessidade de um novo olhar…
The Fight Against The Ever-Widening Health Gap Between Rich And Poor
Bertalan Meskó, MD, PhDApril 8, 2022 According to a series of studies published in the Lancet, the wealthiest…
João Moraes Abreu, Carlos Lula e Marcia Castro: E se levássemos nossos dados de saúde a sério?
Folha de São PauloDownloaded on December 22, 2021 De repente, ficamos sem nossos dados de vacinação. Em um…
The primary care model has been broken for decades — The case for Primary Care Teams
Estimates suggest that a primary care physician would spend 21.7 hours per day to provide all recommended acute,…