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Health Systems Performance Assessment (HSPA)
10 posts
Anahp @ Principais desafios enfrentados pelos hospitais nos últimos 15 anos ao redor do mundo
Observatório da Anahp 2024 (excerto adaptado, com foco nos desafios)Editado por Joaquim Cardoso Fonte: Observatório da Anahp 2024…
Telemedicine is here to stay — already represents ~20% of appointments in the UK (down from 37% in the pandemic)
the health strategist institute for continuous health transformation,and digital health — for all Joaquim Cardoso MSc. Chief Research and Strategy Officer…
Listening to the WHO: How to Assess Health System Performance
Health Systems Transformation (HST)Multidisciplinary Research Institute Joaquim Cardoso MSc*Chief Researcher, Editor and Strategy OfficerNovember 11, 2022MSc* from London…
Health system performance assessment — A primer for policy-makers [by the European Observatory — Executive Summary]
Health & Care Transformation (HCT)Management Institute Joaquim Cardoso MSc*Chief Strategy Officer, Researcher and EditorNovember 9, 2022 *MSc from London…
From Sick Care to Preventive Health Care (PRHC) : Waiting for France’s turn towards Preventive Health Care
Macron has made prevention a main pillar of his health plans — so much so that, in the new government,…
How to fix Britain’s chronically ill healthcare system – the case for prevention
The UK allocates more of its healthcare spending to hospital services than any of its peers, and less…
Brazilian cancer patients under the public healthcare system were in some cases more than twice as likely to die from cancer than private patients.
This is a republication of the article below, under the title above. Overall cancer survival inequalities in the…
43% reprovam a saúde no Brasil @ A Saúde que os Brasileiros querem — Parte 1 (ANAHP 2022)
Pesquisa realizada pelo PoderData avaliou a percepção da população em relação aos serviços oferecidos pelo SUS (Sistema Único…
Health Care 2030: The Coming Transformation
The next decade will see major shifts in the design of health systems and health care … … propelled…
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall [2006]: Looking at the Quality of American Health Care through the Patient’s Lens
Health Systems Transformation (HST)Research Institute and Knowledge Portal Joaquim Cardoso MSc*Chief Researcher, Editor and Strategy OfficerNovember 13, 2022*MSc…