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Health Systems Transformation
7 posts
Dutch healthcare system needs simplifying, less competition: RVS
the health strategy institute multidisciplinary institute forhealth strategy and digital health Joaquim Cardoso MSc Chief Research and Editor;Chief Strategy…
Can the NHS be fixed? [The debate about a move to a “social insurance system” — where employees and employers contribute a portion of their income to fund healthcare].
health and tech institute (HTI) Joaquim Cardoso MScChief Researcher & EditorFebruary 7, 2023 The National Health Service (NHS) in…
Health at a Glance: Europe 2022 — lessons learned from the pandemic & 5 key recommendations [executive summary]
Health, Care and Tech Transformation (HCTT) research institute, knowledge portal andadvisory consulting Joaquim Cardoso MSc*Founder and Chief Researcher,…
Preparing for Pandemics and Other Health Threats [by Tom Frieden]
Societal Approaches to Protect and Improve Health Site editor: Joaquim Cardoso MSchealth transformation institute (HTI) — research and strategyOctober 7, 2022…
COVID-19 has changed socialized medicine in Britain forever
The private sector’s role in delivering publicly funded care. Japan TimesTherese RaphaelNovember 29, 2021 Socialized medicine did not, as…
China’s public health system: time for improvement
The Lancet Public HealthJunfang Xu, , Yu Shi, Feng Cheng, Wannian LiangDecember, 2021 The SARS-CoV pandemic in 2003 prompted…
Strengthening public health for a Healthy China
The Lancet Public HealthEditorialDECEMBER 01, 2021Didier Marti/Getty Images China’s rapid socioeconomic and demographic changes will profoundly affect the…