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Green Health Care (net zero)
3 posts
4,6 % of the Global Total Greenhouse Emissions come from the Healthcare Sector in 2020 — learn from impactful efforts worldwide
The Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change 2023 report emphasizes the urgent need for a health-centric approach…
Addressing Climate Change and Emissions in Healthcare,Through Redesigned Health Care
the health strategistresearch & strategy institute Joaquim Cardoso MSc. Chief Research Officer (CSO), Chief EditorChief Strategy Officer (CSO) and…
Mandatory Reporting of Emissions to Achieve Net-Zero Health Care — [health care decarbonization, can be considered an additional dimension of quality of care]
Health Transformation Institute (HTI) Joaquim Cardoso MScFounder and Chief Researcher & EditorDecember 18, 2022 Executive Summary Infographic Figure 1 — recommended…