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Public Health Agenda
11 posts
Brazil predicts a public health crisis with potential 5 million cases of dengue — more than three-fold increase [vaccines are in short supply]
the health strategist knowledge portal, institute & advisory for continuous health transformationand digital health – for all Joaquim…
Tackling obesity must become a national mission
health strategy institute (hsi) & knowledge portalfor workforce health & economic prosperity Joaquim Cardoso MSc. Servant Leader, CRSO (Chief…
PAHO’s Renewed Commitment to Eliminating Communicable Diseases in Latin America and the Caribbean by 2030
the health strategistinstitute for strategic health transformation & digital technology Joaquim Cardoso MSc. Chief Research and Strategy Officer (CRSO),Chief Editor and…
Tarcísio prepara tabela paulista do SUS contra rombos e filas na Saúde — remanejando de R$ 15,8 a R$ 34 bilhões neste ano.
Health Strategy Institute (HSI)knowledge portal unit research and strategy institute forin-person health strategy and digital health strategy Joaquim Cardoso MSc Chief…
Qual será a agenda da Saúde Pública no Brasil a partir de 2023?
Este é um excerto do artigo “Ao assumir Ministério da Saúde, Nísia Trindade promete revogações, diz que gestão…
Weak Systems And Lack Of Investment In New Antibiotics Are Key Global Health Threats
Site editor: Joaquim Cardoso MSc.The Health Strategistinstitute for continuous health transformationOctober 5, 2022 Health Policy WatchKerry Cullinan 05/10/2022 …
Propostas para a Saúde dos candidatos ao governo de SP — que foram para o 2o turno
Esta é uma republicação do artigo “ Propostas para a Saúde dos candidatos ao governo de SP”, com…
3 in 5 globally say their healthcare system is overstretched — Covid is # 1 concern (47%), Mental health #2 (36%), and Cancer #3 (34%)
However, half of those surveyed across 34 countries describe the quality of their country’s healthcare service as good. Site…
Healthtech brasileira usa tecnologia para potencializar o alcance do SUS
Após ter criado iniciativas como a Coronacidades e o Farol Covid, a Impulso Gov criou uma plataforma voltada…
Brazil’s Primary Health Care Financing — Case Study @ The Lancet
The Lancet, Case Study Adriano Massuda with Ana Maria Malik, Gabriela Lotta, Marina Siqueira, Renato Tasca, Rudi Rocha WORKING…