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7 posts
Singapore: Roche & STCC are developing a precision oncology ecosystem enabled by data [Improving Outcomes Framework Series]
RocheSeptember 27, 2022 Part of the Series:Planning for the future: a new framework for improving health outcomes worldwide…
Roche is developing a new framework for improving health outcomes worldwide — in the field of oncology
This is a republication of the article “Planning for the future: a new framework for improving health outcomes…
Emphasize Resilience in Supply Chains [only 10% of companies have strong capabilities to manage supply chain shocks]
OCTOBER 11, 2022By Dustin Burke Site Editor: Joaquim Cardoso MScOctober 11, 2022 Supply chain leaders have certainly faced…
CIO vision 2025 — Part 2: Meeting the challenges of AI @ Scale [+ the P&G Case]
Site editor: Joaquim Cardoso MScHealth Transformation — institute for research and strategyOctober 6, 2022 MIT Technology ReviewProduced in partnership…
CIO vision 2025: Bridging the gap between BI and AI [executive summary]
Site editor: Joaquim Cardoso MScThe Health Institute — for continuous health transformationOctober 4, 2022 MIT Technology ReviewProduced in partnership with…
Healthcare workforce crisis: How can organizations do more with less? [the role of AI and automation]
Executive Summary by: Joaquim Cardoso MSc.Health Transformation — JournalSeptember 19, 2022 What are the problems? What are the solutions? What…
Digital transformation has a positive impact on patient care at Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein
As a leader and an innovator in medical and hospital care in Brazil, Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein is…