COP28 Breakthrough: Global Commitment to Fossil Fuel Transition Unveiled in Historic Deal

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Joaquim Cardoso MSc.

Chief Research and Strategy Officer (CRSO),
Chief Editor and Senior Advisor

December 14, 2023

What is the message?

The COP28 climate talks in Dubai concluded with a groundbreaking deal committing the world to transition away from fossil fuels, a historic first.

Despite falling short of an explicit “phase-out,” the agreement, known as the “UAE Consensus,” signifies a global commitment to a just and orderly shift in energy systems, impacting the trajectory of a low-carbon energy future.

Participants attend a COP28 plenary session at the United Nations climate summit in Dubai on Dec. 13, 2023. Nations adopted the first-ever U.N. climate deal that calls for the world to transition away from fossil fuels. “We have the basis to make transformational change happen,” COP28 president Sultan Al Jaber said before the deal was adopted by consensus, prompting delegates to rise and applaud.Giuseppe Cacace—AFP/Getty Images

One page summary

What are the key points?

Historic Transition:

COP28 delivered a historic agreement marking a global commitment to move away from fossil fuels, addressing concerns raised by the U.S. and European Union while maintaining the involvement of major oil-producing nations.

UAE Consensus:

The agreement, brokered by COP28 president Sultan Al Jaber, emphasizes a just and orderly transition away from fossil fuels, contributing to global efforts without imposing immediate, individual mandates on countries.

New Direction:

The COP28 language, while not explicitly calling for a fossil fuel “phase-out,” breaks new ground by acknowledging the need to shift away from oil and gas, pivotal fuels in the global economy for decades.

Global Targets:

The agreement sets ambitious targets to triple renewable power deployment and double efficiency gains by the end of the decade, signaling a significant commitment to a low-carbon energy system.

What are the key strategies?

  • Investor Guidance: The COP28 language sends a signal to investors about the future of energy markets, with an emphasis on renewable energy as a profitable and long-term investment, while fossil fuels are considered a stranded asset.
  • Implementation Emphasis: COP28 emphasizes that the success of the agreement lies in its implementation, urging nations to translate commitments into tangible actions to facilitate a meaningful transition away from fossil fuels.

What re the key examples?

  • Diplomatic Win: The last-minute deal is a diplomatic triumph for the UAE and COP28 president Sultan Al Jaber, who successfully navigated diverse interests and controversies to deliver an unprecedented global agreement.
  • Oil and Gas Industry Inclusion: Al Jaber brought the oil and gas industry into the COP process, with representatives from fossil fuel companies outnumbering those from previous summits, signaling a paradigm shift in industry involvement.
  • Coalition Building: Despite opposition, Al Jaber forged a pact with over 50 companies to reduce emissions, demonstrating an industry commitment to addressing climate change, albeit with a focus on operational emissions rather than production levels.


While COP28’s “UAE Consensus” falls short of a full fossil fuel phase-out, it marks a pivotal moment in global efforts to transition away from fossil fuels.

The agreement, coupled with ambitious targets for renewable energy and efficiency gains, sends a clear message to investors and governments about the imperative to embrace a low-carbon future.

Despite varied interpretations, the COP28 decision represents a significant step toward global sustainability, though challenges and concerns persist, particularly for nations already grappling with the impacts of climate change.

The focus now shifts to effective implementation and ongoing efforts to address the broader economic and environmental implications of this unprecedented commitment.


This summary is based on the article “COP28 Ends With Historic Deal to ‘Transition Away’ From Planet-Warming Fossil Fuels”, published by Time and written by Jennifer A. Dlouhy, Jessica Shankleman and Laura Millan (Bloomberg), on December 13, 2023.

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