Generative AI Adoption Trends: Gen Z Leads with 70% Usage, Salesforce Survey Reveals

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Joaquim Cardoso MSc
Founder and Chief Researcher, Editor & Strategist

March 26, 2024

What is the message?

The adoption of generative AI (GenAI) is rapidly growing, with Salesforce’s recent survey shedding light on its usage patterns and demographics.

Despite its potential, generative AI is predominantly utilized by younger generations, particularly Gen Z and Millennials.

Key findings from the survey reveal that 70% of Gen Z are active users of GenAI, leveraging its capabilities for productivity and decision-making.

In contrast, older generations such as Gen X and Baby Boomers exhibit lower engagement, citing reasons such as unclear impact on their lives, lack of education, and safety concerns.

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This summary is based on the article “Meet generative AI’s ‘super users’: 70% of Gen Z use GenAI”, published by ZDNet and written by Sabrina Ortiz on September 7, 2023.

What are the key points?

Salesforce’s survey reveals significant generational disparities in the adoption of generative AI.

Gen Z and Millennials are identified as “super users”, with 70% of Gen Z actively using GenAI.

Employment status influences adoption, with 72% of GenAI users being employed individuals.

Older generations, including Gen X and Baby Boomers, show lower engagement due to unclear impact, lack of education, and safety concerns.

Education and guidance are essential to address barriers to adoption and promote broader acceptance of generative AI technology.

What are the key statistics?

70% of Gen Z are active users of generative AI.

72% of generative AI users are employed individuals.

88% of non-users are unclear on how generative AI will impact their lives.

70% of non-users would use generative AI more if they knew more about the technology.

64% of non-users would use generative AI more if it was more secure.

What are the key examples?

Gen Z leads in generative AI usage, leveraging its benefits for productivity and decision-making.

Older generations exhibit lower engagement due to unclear impact, lack of education, and safety concerns.

Increased education and guidance are essential to address barriers to adoption and promote broader acceptance of generative AI technology.


Salesforce’s survey highlights the growing adoption of generative AI, particularly among younger generations and employed individuals.

However, significant generational disparities persist, with older generations exhibiting lower engagement due to various concerns.

To foster broader acceptance and utilization of generative AI, there is a need for increased education, guidance, and efforts to address safety concerns among potential users.

To read the original publication, click here.

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