NEJM AI: Transforming Healthcare Through Ethical AI Integration and Rigorous Evaluation

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Joaquim Cardoso MSc.

Chief Research and Strategy Officer (CRSO),
Chief Editor and Senior Advisor

December 15, 2023

What is the message?

The editorial by Isaac S. Kohane, M.D., Ph.D., published in the inaugural issue of NEJM AI, highlights the critical role of artificial intelligence (AI) in transforming healthcare.

Emphasizing the historical milestones and current capabilities of AI, particularly large language models (LLMs), the author underscores the imperative for rigorous clinical evaluation to ensure the safe and effective integration of AI into medical practice.

The central message revolves around the commitment to fostering a transparent, patient-centered approach to AI in healthcare while advocating for diverse and accessible datasets.

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One page summary

What are the key points?

Historical Context and Milestones:

The editorial traces the evolution of AI in medicine, from early aspirations in the 1950s to the breakthrough of large language models in 2022, acknowledging the transformative impact and challenges posed by these technologies.

Clinical Evaluation Mandate:

Recognizing the accelerated adoption of AI in various medical disciplines, the author contends that AI in medicine should undergo the same level of scrutiny as any clinical intervention. The urgent mandate is to conduct randomized controlled trials for AI tools to ensure their safety and efficacy.

Challenges and Collaborative Approach:

Acknowledging the complexity of evaluating LLMs, the editorial emphasizes the need for a multifaceted, collaborative approach involving clinicians, patient advocacy groups, and stakeholders. Transparency is identified as a principal tool to gain trust in the evaluation process.

Multidisciplinary Discourse:

NEJM AI commits to fostering a multidisciplinary discourse through various article types, exploring questions about the future of AI in healthcare, innovation leadership, and the ethical integration of AI. The editorial board, comprising pioneers from AI, life sciences, ethics, and policy, aims to navigate the uncharted waters with precision, curiosity, and integrity.

What are the key strategies?

  • Rigorous Clinical Evaluation: Advocate for randomized controlled trials to establish the safety and efficacy of AI tools in medicine, despite the challenges posed by the breadth of LLM capabilities.
  • Transparency as a Principal Tool: Emphasize transparency as a fundamental requirement to build trust in the evaluation and adoption of AI in healthcare.
  • Multidisciplinary Engagement: Encourage contributions from multidisciplinary teams, fostering collaboration at the intersection of computer science, clinician-patient dynamics, and biomedical research.

What are the key examples?

  • Evolution of AI: Tracing the historical evolution of AI in medicine, from early predictions in the 1950s to the recent breakthrough of large language models in 2022.
  • Clinical AI Evaluations: Highlighting the surge in clinical evaluations of AI and machine learning, with over 300 articles in 2020 alone, and the imperative for prospective, randomized controlled trials.
  • NEJM AI Activities: Beyond journal publication, NEJM AI engages the community through a popular podcast, newsletter, seminars, and international meetings, exemplified by the Symposium for Responsible AI for Social and Ethical Healthcare (RAISE).


The editorial concludes by envisioning a future where NEJM AI actively shapes the ethical integration of AI into healthcare, respecting patient autonomy and upholding the highest standards of care.

It emphasizes the collaborative journey ahead and invites readers and authors to engage in activities that aim to guide the healthcare system through the evolving landscape of technology while ensuring an unprecedented standard of care for patients.


This summary is based on the article “Injecting Artificial Intelligence into Medicine”, published by NEJM and written by  Isaac S. Kohane, on December 11, 2023.

To read the original publication, click here.

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