Scientific Answers to Climate Change Questions
This is an excerpt from the report below, focused on the topic above, edited by the author of the blog.
National Academy Press
Climate Change — Evidence and Causes
An overview from the Royal Society and the US National Academy of Sciences
Updated 2020
Marcia McNutt, President, National Academy of Sciences
Venki Ramakrishnan, President, Royal Society
Edited by
The Health Strategist
the blog of Joaquim Cardoso MSc
Q&A3: CO2 is already in the atmosphere naturally, so why are emissions from human activity significant?
Human activities have significantly disturbed the natural carbon cycle by extracting long-buried fossil fuels and burning them for energy, thus releasing CO2 to the atmosphere.
In nature, CO2 is exchanged continually between the atmosphere, plants, and animals through photosynthesis, respiration, and decomposition, and between the atmosphere and ocean through gas exchange.
A very small amount of CO2 (roughly 1% of the emission rate from fossil fuel combustion) is also emitted in volcanic eruptions. This is balanced by an equivalent amount that is removed by chemical weathering of rocks.
The CO2 level in 2019 was more than 40% higher than it was in the 19th century.
Most of this CO2 increase has taken place since 1970, about the time when global energy consumption accelerated.
Measured decreases in the fraction of other forms of carbon (the isotopes 14C and 13C) and a small decrease in atmospheric oxygen concentration (observations of which have been available since 1990) show that the rise in CO2 is largely from combustion of fossil fuels (which have low 13C fractions and no 14C).
Deforestation and other land use changes have also released carbon from the biosphere (living world) where it normally resides for decades to centuries.
The additional CO2 from fossil fuel burning and deforestation has disturbed the balance of the carbon cycle, because the natural processes that could restore the balance are too slow compared to the rates at which human activities are adding CO2 to the atmosphere.
As a result, a substantial fraction of the CO2 emitted from human activities accumulates in the atmosphere, where some of it will remain not just for decades or centuries, but for thousands of years.
Comparison with the CO2 levels measured in air extracted from ice cores indicates that the current concentrations are substantially higher than they have been in at least 800,000 years (see Question 6).
“Q&A.” National Academy of Sciences. 2020. Climate Change: Evidence and Causes: Update 2020. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25733.