Revolutionary Cancer Vaccine Nearing Phase 3 Trials: Minimal Side Effects, Personalized Immunotherapy, and Promising Results

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Joaquim Cardoso MSc.

Servant Leader, Chief Research & Strategy Officer (CRSO),
Editor in Chief and Senior Advisor

January 23, 2024

This executive summary is based on the article “Cancer vaccine with minimal side effects nearing Phase 3 clinical trials”, published by ABC News and written by Dr. Jade Cobern, on January 20, 2024.

What is the message?

Dr. Thomas Wagner, founder of Orbis Health Solutions, has developed a groundbreaking cancer vaccine that harnesses the power of a patient’s immune system to fight cancer, with minimal side effects compared to traditional treatments.

The vaccine, known as the tumor lysate particle only (TLPO) vaccine, has shown promising results in Phase 2 clinical trials and is now moving towards Phase 3, bringing hope for a potential cancer cure.

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What are the key points?

Personalized Immunotherapy: Wagner’s TLPO vaccine is personalized to each patient, using their tumor cells to stimulate the immune system to detect and fight cancer cells effectively.

Reduced Side Effects: Traditional cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy, often result in debilitating side effects. The TLPO vaccine, however, has demonstrated minimal side effects, including redness or pain at the injection site, fever, and fatigue, similar to other vaccines.

Positive Phase 2 Results: In Phase 2 clinical trials focusing on advanced melanoma, nearly 95% of patients given the vaccine were still alive three years after starting treatment, with 64% remaining disease-free. The vaccine showed particularly promising results in advanced stages of melanoma.

FDA Approval for Phase 3: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted approval for a Phase 3 clinical trial, a significant milestone that will involve enrolling 500 participants over a three-year period, scheduled to commence this year.

Financial Challenges: The planned Phase 3 trial faces financial barriers, with a projected cost of $100 million. Smaller companies like Orbis Health Solutions struggle to secure such resources, prompting innovative approaches, such as basket trials, to expand the vaccine’s testing in different cancer types.

Basket Trial Success: The ongoing basket trial, approved by the FDA, has extended the TLPO vaccine’s testing to individuals with various solid tumors. Initial results, including testimonials from patients like Catie King, indicate promising outcomes with minimal impact on daily life.

Long-Term Survivor Testimonials: Patients, such as Mary Carol Abercrombie, who participated in earlier stages of the TLPO vaccine trials, have experienced prolonged survival and improved quality of life. Abercrombie’s case, diagnosed with stage 4 melanoma over 20 years ago, highlights the potential of the vaccine in treating advanced cancer forms.

What are the key statistics?

Phase 2 Results: Nearly 95% of patients were alive three years after TLPO vaccine treatment.

Disease-Free Survival: 64% disease-free survival among patients with advanced melanoma after three years.

Phase 3 Trial Cost: The Phase 3 clinical trial is projected to cost $100 million.

What are the key examples?

Catie King: Received the TLPO vaccine through the basket trial for ovarian cancer, reporting minimal side effects and feeling better after treatment.

Mary Carol Abercrombie: Diagnosed with stage 4 melanoma over 20 years ago, Abercrombie has been one of the longest surviving patients, attributing her success to the TLPO vaccine.


Dr. Thomas Wagner’s TLPO cancer vaccine represents a promising advancement in cancer treatment, offering hope for a cure with minimal side effects.

While Phase 2 results are encouraging, the Phase 3 clinical trial, FDA approval, and successful basket trial outcomes will be critical steps in determining the vaccine’s potential to revolutionize cancer therapy.

The ongoing pursuit of financial support and partnerships is essential for realizing the broader impact of this innovative approach in treating various cancer types.

To read the original publication, click here.

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