Tech Giants Make ‘Voluntary’ Pledge To Develop Responsible AI, White House Says — though not a replacement for regulations

health strategy institute (hsi)

management, engineering and 
technology review

Joaquim Cardoso MSc.

Senior Research and Strategy Officer (CRSO), 
Chief Editor and Senior Advisor

January 22, 2023

This is an Executive Summary of the article “Tech Giants Make ‘Voluntary’ Pledge To Develop Responsible AI-Including OpenAI And Google-White House Says”, published by “Forbes”

The White House announced that leading U.S. tech companies, including OpenAI, Google, and Microsoft, have voluntarily agreed to a set of safeguards to address the risks associated with artificial intelligence (AI). 

This move comes as governments worldwide are seeking ways to regulate this fast-evolving technology.

The announcement, while significant, lacked specific details regarding the expectations from the companies. 

Some signatories, like Microsoft, have chosen to expand their commitments, indicating support for the creation of a national registry of high-risk AI systems. However, the absence of a mechanism for enforcement raises questions about how companies will be held accountable under this voluntary scheme.

Although the White House views these voluntary commitments as a crucial first step towards responsible AI development, they acknowledge that it is not a substitute for comprehensive legislation. 

The administration is actively working on an executive order and bipartisan legislation to regulate AI, but no specific details or timelines have been provided.

Regulating AI has become a top priority for the Biden administration, given the rapid advancement and uptake of generative AI technologies like OpenAI’s ChatGPT. 

However, the legislative process has been slow, leading major tech companies to request government regulations and make their own commitments to responsible AI development. This has raised concerns that industry giants might play a significant role in shaping the future of AI without adequate public oversight.

Key Messages:

  • While the voluntary pledge by tech giants is a notable step towards addressing AI risks, the lack of concrete details and enforcement mechanisms highlights the need for more comprehensive legislation to govern this technology responsibly. 

  • The ongoing efforts by the White House to develop executive orders and legislation are critical to establishing a coherent framework that can guide the future of AI in a safe and accountable manner.

To read the full version of the original publication

Originally published at

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