These are the types of data roles – where do you fit?

institute for health transformation
& knowledge platform

Joaquim Cardoso MSc
Founder, Chief Research & Strategy Officer (CRSO),
and Editor-in-Chief

December 18, 2023

This is a republication of the article: “Types of data roles- where are you?”, published by Alex Wang, on Linkedin. Tks for sharing #@ alex wang

Types of data roles- where are you?

Besides the ML engineer, the responsibilities of the other three roles can blur depending on the project.

The required skills of a data professional also depend on phases.

Phase 1 – coding is a big part; be able to pull data, perform basic analysis, build ML models, visualize data, and create clear slides for findings.

Phase 2 – storytelling takes on a more important role in the phase; be able to use data to validate hypotheses, improve products and user experiences, and ultimately, sell products, services, or sometimes, ideas.

Phase 3 – business understanding, communication, and influence become crucial; be able to 
– build a scalable analytics platform to support the team’s productive analysis projects. 
– provide deep business insights, predict market trends, and exercise judgment based on their experience.

This is generally more applies in industry than academia. I guess the last two phases can differ in a more academic environment: while businesses use data to support ideas, academic settings use it to challenge existing impressions based on experiences, intuition, bias, etc.

What do you think? Would love to hear more thoughts and learn different perspectives!🐣
I share my learning journey in AI and Data Science. Join me and let’s grow together!

For learning materials, please check my previous posts. Alex Wang

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