Virtual care companies increasingly full-spectrum
J P Morgan Chase & Co.
Morgan Health
February 2022
Key messages
Summarized by Joaquim Cardoso MSc.
Digital Health Institute
April 7, 2022
- Virtual-first and legacy primary care converging
- Comprehensiveness creates opportunity to test virtual-first accountable care
- Virtual care companies increasingly full-spectrum
- Among full-stack companies, some differentiators emerging
Virtual-first and legacy primary care converging
COVID + demand for telehealth driving landgrab for digital + physical assets

Comprehensiveness creates opportunity to test virtual-first accountable care
Top contenders could be full-service accountable care solution, integrating across assets and modalities

Virtual care companies increasingly full-spectrum
Assets both up and down intensity spectrum

Among full-stack companies, some differentiators emerging

Originally published by J P Morgan & Chase Co.