Words of Truth for a New Year

Words of Truth for a New Year


A New Start

A new year has arrived! And like the year before it, this new 365 days has come with much anticipation.

Many people begin January 1 with goals, hopes, dreams, and perhaps even a plan of action for all that they would like to accomplish. 

The possibilities for a new year’s list of resolutions are endless. 

Some of the most common include exercise routines, healthier eating, progress at work, and quality time spent with family. 

Life goals and resolutions can be a great way to begin a year, so long as a healthy balance is maintained.

For Christians, the start of a new year arrives with reminders afresh of the glorious promises that God has made to his people through the Bible. 

For Christians-those who have repented of their sin and received Jesus Christ as their Savior-a new year is a chance for renewed commitments to seek after God and to share the good news of Jesus.

The Scriptures below are foundational truths that Christians believe. They are beacons of hope, not only for a new year but also for an eternal future with God.

If you have not yet placed your faith and trust in Jesus Christ, then these Scriptures bring great news. 

The gospel of Jesus is that his birth, life, death on a cross, and resurrection to heaven from the grave deliver eternal life to those who turn away from sin and receive Jesus as their Savior. 

Make this new year the start of an eternity-changing journey toward becoming a child of God!

The Scriptures below are foundational truths that Christians believe. They are beacons of hope, not only for a new year but also for an eternal future with God.

Gospel Scriptures for a New Year

“For all have sinned 
and fall short of the glory of God. . . . 
The wages of sin is death, 
but the free gift of God is eternal life 
in Christ Jesus our Lord.” 
(Romans 3:23; 6:23)

“For I delivered to you 
as of first importance what I also received: 

that Christ died for our sins 
in accordance with the Scriptures, 

that he was buried,
that he was raised on the third day 
in accordance with the Scriptures.” 
(1 Corinthians 15:3–4)

“Jesus said to him, 
‘I am the way, and the truth, and the life. 
No one comes to the Father except through me.’”

(John 14:6)

“And you were dead 
in the trespasses and sins in which you once walked, 
following the course of this world. . . . 

But God, being rich in mercy, 
because of the great love with which he loved us, 
even when we were dead in our trespasses, 
made us alive together with Christ-

by grace you have been saved.” 
(Ephesians 2:1–2; 2:4–5)

“When the goodness 
and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared, 
he saved us, 

not because of works done by us in righteousness, 
but according to his own mercy, 
by the washing of regeneration 
and the renewal of the Holy Spirit, 

whom he poured out on us richly 
through Jesus Christ our Savior, 

so that being justified by his grace 
we might become heirs 
according to the hope of eternal life.” 
(Titus 3:4–7)

“The saying is trustworthy 
and deserving of full acceptance, 

that Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners, 
of whom I am the foremost.” 
(1 Timothy 1:15)

“[Jesus] committed no sin, 
neither was deceit found in his mouth. 

When he was reviled, 
he did not revile in return; 

when he suffered, 
he did not threaten, 
but continued entrusting himself to [God] 
who judges justly. 

He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, 
that we might die to sin 
and live to righteousness. 

By his wounds you have been healed. 
For you were straying like sheep, 
but have now returned to the Shepherd 
and Overseer of your souls.” 
(1 Peter 2:22–25)

The Light of the Gospel

Let these Scriptures sink deep into your hearts. Memorize them. Share them with your friends and family. 

The gospel-or good news-of Jesus Christ is a bright light to an often-dark world. 

If you believe the truths that you’ve just read, it is only fitting that you would want to share the rich hope of the gospel, especially at the beginning of a new year.

If you have read these words of good news as an unbeliever, consider taking a first step of faith in Jesus Christ by praying the following:

Heavenly Father, 
I believe that Jesus Christ is your Son, 
and that he died on the cross to save me from my sin. 

I believe that he rose again to life, 
and that he invites me to live forever with him in heaven 
as part of your family. 

Because of what Jesus has done, 
I ask you to forgive me of my sin 
and give me eternal life. 

Help me in a way that pleases and honors you. 

This article is adapted from the tract “Words of Truth for a New Year.”

Because of what Jesus has done, 
I ask you to forgive me of my sin 
and give me eternal life.

Originally published at https://www.crossway.org on December 31, 2018.

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