GenerativeAI Adoption Index is around 20% in Canada
The Health Strategy . Institute
research and strategy institute for
in-person health strategy and
digital health strategy
Joaquim Cardoso MSc
Chief Research and Editor — of The Health Strategy — Portal;
Chief Strategy Officer (CSO) — of the Health Strategy — Institute,
Senior Advisor — for Boards and C-Level
June 29, 2023
Health Strategy . Institute
multidisciplinary institute for
in-person health and
digital health strategy
Joaquim Cardoso MSc
Chief Research and Editor — of the Health Strategy Portal;
Chief Strategy Officer (CSO) — of the Health Strategy Institute (HSI),
Senior Advisor — for Boards and C-Level
June 27, 2023

About the survey:
The Generative AI Adoption Index is based on a KPMG in Canada survey of 5,140 Canadians conducted from May 17–29, 2023, using Sago’s Methodify online research platform.
The margin of error is +/– 3 percentage points, with a confidence level of 95%.
This report highlights key survey data about the rising adoption of Generative AI in Canada.
It serves as a valuable resource providing data, insights and guidance to make informed decisions, manage risks, and gain competitive advantage in the evolving landscape of AIdriven innovation.